Merino Cars is a family business specializing in the world of truck and industrial machinery for more than 50 years. Its main activity is the purchase and sale of new and used industrial vehicles and passenger cars. We have a circulating stock of more than 100 vehicles of all brands and models. Merino Cars provides its services from the Region of Murcia to national and international clients.
With an average sales of more than 200 vehicles a year, Merino Cars is consolidated as one of the leading car sales nationwide.

Equipped with two large facilities in:
AbarĂ¡n: where it offers a wide service of exhibition and sale of industrial vehicles and management of Transport Cards.
Caravaca de la Cruz: where it has exhibition and sale of cars, offices and own mechanical workshops to offer an integral service in mechanics, reconditioned, revision and after-sales service. We have an authorized workshop to carry out the necessary modifications to the vehicles, adapting them to the specific needs of the customer, such as the assembly of a closed box, tilting, modification of wheelbase, mounting of cranes, etc., all of which is fully legalized in documentation.
Merino Cars has a staff of more than 30 workers, responsible for carrying out the revisions, modifications and adjustments of the vehicles for sale with the objective of offering a complete guarantee in any point of the world.
Three generations dedicated to the sale of industrial vehicles endorse our work.